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详细说明发布时间:2019-05-08 17:57 浏览次数:78
单价: 面议
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 1 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江西 南昌市
有效期至: 长期有效

The multicoloured porcelain was very difficult to burn due to its wide variety of colors, and the yield rate was extremely low. However, during the Jiajing period, the multicoloured porcelain was very large and very beautiful. This was inseparable from the Jiajing emperor's preference for multicoloured porcelain. Jiajing's colorful Imperial porcelain was crowned for a time. His colorful paintings and magnificent paintings claimed to have won two generations of Yumingqing and became one of the most outstanding color porcelain of the Ming Dynasty, leading the development of Chinese color porcelain to another peak. period. The colorful character story cover jar(general tank) has a distinct pattern of the main and secondary, heaven and earth cover, and the top cover of the general tank resembles the helmet of an ancient general, and is also used as a ladies 'map drawing. Therefore, it is named "General Tank Lady Map".


This piece of porcelain package silver yellow colorful character story cover jar(general jar lady picture), exquisite painting, silver packaging craftsmanship, extremely artistic and collection value

YYPM500025 (3)

YYPM500025 (2)

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