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墙面涂料防霉剂 广州防霉剂哪个牌子好

详细说明发布时间:2019-06-10 15:19 浏览次数:37
单价: 268.00元/千克
起订: 1 千克
供货总量: 1024 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
   iHeir - TQ(Coating Anti-mold Agent) is a kind of water-soluble coating mildew fungicides. With low toxicity, broad-spectrum sterilization characteristics, mold, fungi, algae and other microorganisms have a strong exterminate action. iHeir - TQ  can be widely used  in  Water-soluble coating and Diluted water coating ,Water dispersible coatings(Latex coating). In actual application, iHeir - TQ does not change the physical properties of coatin.However, it has a good compatibility and the coating’s surface is bright.The reason is iHeir-TQ will prevent  microorganism to breeding and cracking, even in a wet environment.

产品特性Product features
项目Item 指标Production target
外观Product appearance 低粘度透明液体 low viscosity , transparency liquid
溶解性Solubility 溶于水溶性涂料、乳胶漆soluble in water -solublecoating and emulsioni paint
有效成分 active ingredients(%)≥ 45
主要成分Main components 杂环化合物heterocyclic compounds
PH值PH 6.0-8.0
粒径大小Particle size <40微米micrometer

使用范围The use scope

普通楼宇、办公室、居室1-2%, 易长霉的车间、厂房使用添加1-2%;
The indoor metope was wet or  moldy ;
 The wall became wet and moldy becase kept warm tand form of drops;
   The wall ofen molds ,even molds every year.
 The users who focus on a very long-term anti-mold cycle but the hiddin troube is mildew caused by leaks ;
 Ordinary building, office, bedroom , (easy to mold )workshop use add 1-2%;

使用方法How to use
iHeir-TQ涂料防霉剂现已系广泛应用于建筑物的内外装潢涂料、乳胶漆、水性墨、色浆等各种领域的抗霉抗菌处理。iHeir-TQ与绝大多数的水溶性涂料具有很好的相容性。使用时,只需要在涂料中添加1%~2%(100公斤涂料加1~2公斤防霉剂)的iHeir-TQ,该涂料即拥有良好的杀菌防霉性能。并符合GB 18582-2001(室内环保装饰装修材料内墙涂料中有害物质限量)要求,不含甲醛,也不含甲醛释放物。
iHeir - TQ (Coating Anti-mold Agent) has been widely applied to the structure of the internal and external decoration coating, latex paint, water-based ink, printing ink, and other areas of the various anti-mildew antibacterial treatment. iHeir - TQ and the vast majority of water-soluble coating has the very good compatibility. only need to add 1% ~ 2%(iHeir-TQ)  to coating (100 - kilogram coatings add 1 ~ 2 kg iHeir-TQ) .The coating iHeir-TQ has good anti-mold performance. And conform with the requirements the GB 18582-18582 (The limited harmful substances in indoor environmental decoration materials and interior wall paint), no DMF and formaldehyde.

包装储存Warehouse packing
iHeir - TQ in 25 kg  square plastic drum in blue packaging, please put the product in a cool, dry place where under a normal temperature,so can be keep for three years.In addition,keep away from children . Don’t  touch the mouth, nose, eyes, etc.If access to the eyes or nose and mouth, rinse immediately with plenty of water, please.


墙面涂料防霉剂 广州防霉剂哪个牌子好
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